meet the artist


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California plein air artist Jeremy Harper grew up a stone’s throw from the Pacific Ocean in Santa Barbara California. Jeremy has loved drawing and painting since childhood, with travel and surfing joining those passions at an early age. Before graduating from The San Francisco Art Institute, he spent a summer abroad in China and the following summer in Europe studying art from nearly every corner of the earth. He remained in San Francisco for two more years to teach art at the New Traditions elementary school.

In more recent years, Jeremy has focused on painting the beauty of his hometown, the Pacific coast, the mountains near his family cabin in Montana, and the glorious landscapes in between. Jeremy is a member of SCAPE - Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment, the Santa Barbara Art Association, and Santa Barbara's illustrious OAK GROUP.

“I have loved drawing and painting from life since early childhood. From the figurative paintings I made at the San Francisco Art Institute to the plein air landscapes I create now, nature has always been my main inspiration.

Nature is like a visual symphony of colors and shapes and rhythms all singing in harmony. As artists we are simply making recordings of what we see. The complexities are simplified and we give to the viewer a rendition of the natural world’s ongoing masterpiece.”